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Rooted in the concepts of positive psychology, Lamb Arts is setting out to change the way Hopewell sees and talks about itself. Inspired by the act of gratitude journaling, the Hopewell Proud Project strives to create positive messaging for our community and develop a community-wide pride journal. Through this online platform - we can come together to reflect on the moments, big and small, that make us proud. 


Join the movement!  Share a story - no matter if it is something major or itty bitty - that made you feel proud of Hopewell recently. Tag us on Instagram or click the button below to submit. Then keep your eyes peeled - because that story may make our feed. 

You may also see Hopewell Proud popping up around town. Local businesses are sporting posters, stickers, stamps and more. If your business or organization is interested in Hopewell Proud swag send us a message


And remember that just like negativity, pride can be contagious. 



Find Hopewell Proud swag at local retailers.

You can now find Hopewell Proud merchandise including baseball hats and bumper stickers at these local retailers:

River City Flower Studio



Appomattox River Peanut & Wine


Look good. Do good. 

Show your pride and look good while doing it. 

You can find Hopewell Proud t-shirts, hoodies, and more on our Bonfire page.  



Students at each of the Hopewell City Public Schools worked with Lamb Arts staff to reflect on what makes them #HopewellProud. The work of 4 students was chosen to be featured on billboards across the city in the Spring of 2023. 

The Hopewell Proud Billboard Project was partially supported by funding from CultureWorks and the National Endowment for the Arts/American Rescue Plan.

About the Designer:

Teddy Blanks is a native of the Hopewell area and an Emmy-award-winning graphic designer now based in New York City. 

Want to customize your own Hopewell Proud Design?

You can download the Teddy Blanks design template here: 

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